divendres, 30 de gener del 2015

Let Sleeping Corpses Lie - THE REVIEW

A man wants to spend his weekend in a lonely and quiet village after being working in a very polluted city of Manchester. After a long trip he decides to stop in a gas station, where a beautiful woman accidentally breaks his motorcycle. 
After a short argument they decide to go to the woman's village while the man's motorcycle is being repaired. But something strange is happening in the village: a recently dead beggar was seen walking in the fields, a mysterious homicide happened in the main character sister's house, newborn babies have strange reactions...

That was the introduction for the one of the most frightening horror movies made in the 70s. Let Sleeping Corpses Lie (also known as Living Dead At Manchester Morgue) is an international horror movie made by Jorge Grau, a catalan film director! The cast includes actors from England, Spain and Italy!!!

First of all, I must tell you that the film is not so fearful, but it's very frightening because of the excellent actor's performance and the over the top music score (which includes some pulsatile sounds that make you feel adrenaline pumping in your blood). The ''living dead'' you can see in this film aren't just living corpses with no brain, this time the characters must deal with smart zombies, who can use their hands not only for tearing people's flesh, but also for picking up objects and using them as weapons.

The makeup team did the best work I've seen in a film (you can just see the picture below), the cameramen's work is also appreciable and the places chosen for the film are terrific! North England can show us beautiful clouds and fields, always with a great horror atmosphere!

In conclusion, Let Sleeping Corpses Lie is one of the best horror movies made in the last century, I think everybody should have this masterpiece in his collection. The film is made for everyone, starting from cult cinema lovers and ending for an average person as me.

If you are a foreign student and want to learn clean English pronunciation, but you also want to watch an old, classic, horror film, this is your way! This is not a typical sugary horror film, it is a real cult treasure that proves one more time that people knew how to make good films in the seventies and eighties! Enjoy it!
                              Your Flos News reviewer, Yegor S.R.

dimecres, 28 de gener del 2015

Sinopsis de Sinister.

El novelista de crímenes, Ellison Oswal, se muda a una casa donde, 9 meses antes, se había cometido un asesinato. Con el objetivo de encontrar inspiración para escribir sobre ese crimen, intentando conseguir un éxito como el que le lanzó a la fama, ya que usa crímenes reales como base para sus libros. Con él van: su esposa (Tracy) y sus dos hijos (Ashley y Trevor) quienes no saben del pasado de la casa.

Un día Ellison descubre, en el ático, un proyector y varias cintas de película Super-8 etiquetadas como: "Vídeos Caseros". Tras analizarlas, llega a la conclusión de que con ellas podría desvelar las circunstancias de la muerte de la familia que habitó tiempo atrás en esa misma casa. Pero lo que comenzó como un proyecto de nueva novela acabará tornando en algo mucho más terrorífico que pondrá a su propia familia en peligro...


La pelicula es bastante buena, por eso, la recomiendo. Aunque necesita un poco más de fuerza, me ha gustado. 


Aquesta enquesta ens ajudarà per saber quins idiomes parleu i quins voleu aprendre .

dilluns, 26 de gener del 2015

"La Tempestat", grup de teatre de l'institut

si premeu sobre la imatge, veureu el vídeo

Amb una mica de retard, només una mica eh!! (de l'any passat ejem!!) Us presenten l'obra de teatre (només una part, perquè és va acabar la bateria) definitiva  que va fer tremolar a molts escenaris d'emoció... d'acord, potser només van ser dos, però va causar sensació.

"LA TEMPESTAT"  del gran mestre William Shakespeare. Amb uns actors gairebé inoblidables com: Egor Sukodolov, Hayk Santrosyan, Andrea Vallespí, Malena Gil Martín, Karen Melgar Alredondo, Rosa Benito Aguilar, Valentina Morales Toro, Ana Yolanda Pedrosa Maceas.

Ana Yolanda Pedrosa Maceas i Malena Gil Martín

La nostra galàxia veïna

Aquí teniu un vídeo que la NASA ha registrat des del seu telescopi espacial Hubble una espectacular panoràmica de la nostra galàxia veïna.   

Jaume B.