dijous, 22 de gener del 2015

A New Kind of Theater!

Have you ever imagined yourself in a theater room, watching a play with plenty of special effects?
Sounds strange, but it could be possible! Imagine yourself watching Hamlet's fight scene in a theater, with blood splatters, all those screams and armor pieces flying all over the stage, or seeing Star Wars with laser swords and cosmic ships while sitting in front of them!

It's not a new idea, some theaters already use smoke effects to create some mystery atmosphere, they also use complicated lighting and sound systems. The idea of creating Hollywood style theater plays came to me after seeing a book about naval battles in the Coliseum, oh that's art!

Those battles needed a big organization: make the water pass through the channels to the scene, put the correctly sized ships and what's more, full coordination between actors. In our times it could be difficult too and also dangerous (fireworks in rooms would be extremely dangerous for the actors and the public) but, having good professionals and firefighters behind the curtains would make the performance safe and very very very very very enjoyable.

It could be possible in our century, who knows! But at least I'm sure that a new performance genre is created, among films and theaters, the Live Play Acting with Special FX!

Your Flos News reporter,
                                           Yegor S. R.

2 comentaris:

  1. Congrats, great post! Keep at it! (by the bye, is that you on the stage? I wouldn't be surprised...

    1. Thanks! I will! (And no, that's not me hehe, although I'd like to be there!)
